Enviro Ed in South Dakota Round Up

We pulled together our favorite Facebook posts from the past 10 days or so and put them all in one place via Storify.

Don’t forget to tag your public posts #EEinSD if you have something to share.

Click the picture to see our curated FB stream.


In honor of the National Park Service’s 100th anniversary, we will feature pictures of environmental education happening in parks! Here a group takes a guided hike in Badlands National Parks


EE in SD Round Up

We have rounded up the highlights from the EE in SD Facebook page. You can see the news stream in our Storify story.

If you have a resource or activity, a conference or meeting, or (our favorite) an example of EE in Place be sure to share it with us so it makes our highlight reel!

Share your good work today!

Click through on the picture below to see the highlights of EE in SD!



20160707_092155Regional EE Meeting

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a networking event for those who support environmental education providers in Rocky Mountain and Plains states (SD, ND, WY, CO, UT, MT). This was a day and a half of inspiration. My goal was to reconnect with and revitalize environmental education in South Dakota and I can report out mission accomplished.

Beyond that, we decided that working on a regional basis had benefit and value. To this end we will be more intentional about networking. If you go to the EECSD Facebook page, you will see cross postings from other regional EE groups. This is part of our effort to connect and support our work. Please like and share to keep the news moving forward.

NEEAC Report

At one of our sessions, we heard from Dr. Kelly Keena who participated in the National Environmental Education Advisory Council (NEEAC). The role of NEEAC is to assess the status of environmental education in the United States. You can read the most recent report to EPA Adminstrator McCarthy here: 2015NEEACReport_final (2)

Status of EE in South Dakota
Thank you to everyone who commented on the Status of EE in South Dakota document. The comment period is still open so please continue to add your thoughts.

#EE in SD

Don’t forget to post any  social media pictures, blog posts, or web pages with #EEinSD so we can find and promote each other’s work.

EE in SD News

Stay in touch with what is happening with Enviro Ed in South Dakota. Sign up to receive our very occasional email EE in SD at https://eecsd.org 


EECSD and EE in SD.

The mission of EECSD has always included connecting those in the environmental education community. The scope of this community has expanded over the years. Originally, it was focused on natural resource agency outreach staff and classroom teachers. Today, environmental educators include staff of out of school time programs, volunteer leaders of youth organizations, librarians, parents among others demographic groups.

Environmental educators may have an environmental learning outcome as their mission. Or they may use environmental education to supplement and support science, geography or physical education learning outcomes.

Environmental education can take place at an event, in the classroom, in the home, or at a park.

Environmental education is a large, multi faceted, cross curricular field. Over the years it has grown into its potential. This growth is exciting, evidence of the value and importance of environmental education.

It’s also challenging.

This challenge has been exacerbated by the lack of resources which mostly can be lumped under the category of bandwidth. Time, money, and attention are limited. All of us feel the weight of how we direct them. The upshot is that connecting the environmental education community is a work that has languished.

Fortunately, new technologies such as social media allow us to stay connected at a grassroots level with minimal supporting infrastructure.

To help facilitate this connection via social media, EECSD asks EE providers in SD to tag their posts, photos, and blogs with #EEinSD.

Hashtagging allows other people to find your work without being a friend or follower first. This does feel a little bit like tossing a bottle out into the ocean, hoping someone will find it but here at EECSD we will be looking for it so we can share.

We will also be tagging our output with #EEinSD as well so you can find it as well.

You can see a sample of Facebook posts tagged #EEinSD.

Please join us!